Here are 21 benefits you may experience by including 3 sessions of yoga that focuses on sensuality and sexuality into your week.
You will:
- stop feeling trapped inside your body,
- change the way you look at sexuality,
- never fake your way through intercourse,
- find it easier to “drop into your body” and feel sensations in each area of your body,
- learn how to be vulnerable and you’ll stop looking at vulnerability as a weakness,
- experience libido as a life force,
- build a strong and loving relationship with your body (each f*ckng inch of it),
- start trusting yourself more,
- become way more confident,
- feel more relaxed talking to people (even to the ones you meet for the first time),
- know exactly when you’re hitting a wall of resistance and you’ll be able to go through it more smoothly,
- be done with fine (you’ll want juicy, happy, fun, ecstatic),
- see clearly what doesn’t serve you anymore and be able to release it easier,
- become hungry for real love and real connection.
- reclaim your pleasure,
- feel sensually confident,
- build a loving relationship with your womb and breasts,
- appreciate both polarities of you — the masculine and the feminine,
- learn how to start surrendering more (and still feeling safe),
- release old conditioning,
- have more fun.
Ready to reap these 21 advantages? Start here.